West Side Hills, Level B, 39 mi, Rollling

  • Wed, March 12, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Bruegger's Bagels, 11165 N La Cañada Dr Suite 161
  • 45



The West Side Hills Ride...   Ride with GPS Map

Note the new start time! 9 AM for March.

The west side hills ride will head south along La Canada, then take the bike path and head out to Sunset Rd.   We will take Sunset to the top, then go over and ride Camino del Cerro to the top.  Lots of little hills, with regroups at the top of Sunset and Camino del Cerro to enjoy the nice views.   There is the option of doing some of the hills and turning around as the front group comes down.  Water, restrooms, and re-group on the way back at Christina Taylor Green park along the bikepath.

Suggested C ride option is to skip the climb up Sunset Road and just do El Camino del Cerro to the top, then head back with the same water stop.  There is no designated C ride leader and C riders may need to self-manage their ride.

Ride leader:  Paul Larson - (404) 909-1283

Bagels and coffee afterwards.

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