General Information

Our rides are run as mandatory re-group rides.  Riders can ride with others of their own pace and the ride leader will identify logical re-group points.  The ride leader will also work with first-time riders to assure they are in the correct group and do not get lost on the route.  When in doubt, choose a lower level when riding for the first time. 

We require that you have a current waiver.  COVID vaccinations are not required.


 Level  Avg mph 
 A 19+ 
 B 15 - 18
 C 12 - 14

Note: Average mph reflects pace on rolling terrain.


 Class Description
 Flat  <1000 feet of climbing
 Rolling >=1000 and <3000 feet of climbing 
 Mountainous  >= 3000 feet of climbing


All riders are expected to have:

  • Helmet 
  • Medical bracelet or equivalent including name, birth year, emergency contact, allergies (or NKA), medical conditions (or NO MED HX) and important medications, e.g., Fred Jones, 1950, Paul (123) 456-7890, NKA, Diabetic
  • Cell phone 
  • Driver's License (may be required for entry to state/National Parks)

    Other Info:

    • E-bikes are permitted except for Sabino Canyon
    • Riding on aerobars or with any type of activated earpiece is prohibited.

    Ride Safety

    The ride leader is responsible for briefing riders on current road conditions and general safety practices for group riding.  Any questions or concerns should be directed to the ride leader.  Consult this reference for further information.

    General rules of the road are as follows:

    • Ride defensively; anticipate and signal problems, obstacles, and unsafe conditions.
    • Be aware of your own surroundings at all times ("situational awareness").
    • Be visible; wear bright clothing and use a taillight and headlight, when appropriate.   Visibility is critical to survival!
    • Ride in the designated bike lane or as far right as safely possible (watching for car doors, perpendicular parking, and other hazards).
    • Ride single file in traffic; two abreast is permitted when traffic allows (cyclists have the right to use the roadways, but not to impede other traffic).
    • Always maintain sufficient distance from other riders to ensure safe stopping in emergencies.
    • Be prepared for full stops at red lights and stop signs; obey vehicle traffic rules.
    • Keep both hands on handlebars at all times, unless you need to signal, drink water, or perform another essential task – and only do them if you can do so safely.
    • Signal your intentions audibly, and with hand signals if safe to do so (passing, slowing, turning, moving in/out of single file, etc.); it is critical that those around you know what you intend to do before you do it. Surprise no one!
    • Pass only on the left, unless conditions permit you no choice (and always call out when passing).
    • Respect other riders and motor vehicles by riding safely and demonstrating your awareness of them and concern for their safety as well. 
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