The Dove Mountain Ride... Ride with GPS map
Ride to and through the scenic roads in Dove Mountain. Head out south along La Canada, then Magee to Cortaro to Silverbell, then Coachline, Twin Peaks (across the I-10 overpass and Tangerine Rd). Next it's up and over the hill on Dove Mt. with a stop for water and restrooms at the park at the very end of Dove Mt. road. Return up and over Dove Mtn, the west along newly paved Moore Road and then south on La Canada Rd back to the start.
Suggested C option: Do an out-and-back, using La Canada and Moore roads to get to Dove Mountain road, and return the same way. As of now, there is no designated C ride leader, and this group may need to self-manage their ride. (volunteers?)
Socialize after at Brueggers.