Patagonia Lake, Level B/C, 41 mi, Mountainous

  • Sat, March 29, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Wild Horse Restaurant, 309 W McKeown Ave, Patagonia AZ
  • 49



The Patagonia Lake Event Ride...   Ride with GPS map


Starting in Patagonia, this ride takes us to Lake Patagonia, a hidden treasure with abundant wildlife.  Enjoy shopping and dining in Patagonia after the ride.

Socialize afterwards at the Wild Horse Restaurant.

Ride leader: Mark Mench, 650.804.8469

Note: There is no designed C ride leader.  C riders may need to ride as a self-managed group.

Ride Notes:

  • Some of the roads will not have a shoulder.  Stay single file on those roads.
  • $3 fee for entrance to park unless you have an annual state pass.   National Park passes are not accepted.
  • In the park you will find a visitor center, a general store, a marina store, and a gift shop.
  • Once you have toured the park, follow the signs to the beach and meet there before returning.

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