⭐️ The Ride is a Go!⭐️ Eastside Triple Crown, A/B, 54.6 miles, Climbing

  • Sat, March 16, 2024
  • 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM (MST)
  • La Herradura Mexican Grill 9165 E Tanque Verde Rd
  • 19


Registration is closed
Eastside Triple Crown...   Ride with GPS map

The ride is a go!! The route has been finalized, and as of 5pm we have 32 riders signed up. To help us out, please let us know which Leader's group you plan to join. You can state your preference at the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3CZBLT7. Thanks!

The Eastside Triple Crown finds the end of the pavement on Redington Road, loops the Cactus Loop in Saguaro NP, and takes a bite out of Lemmon. Each of these is considered a crown. The ride starts from the parking lot by La Herradura Mexican Grill heading west on Tanque Verde to the end of the pavement on Redington Rd. Next we return to Tanque Verde Loop to Speedway to Freeman to Saguaro NP. Be sure to check your water when entering and leaving Saguaro NP. Following a loop of the Cactus Loop we will work our way back to the base of Mt. Lemmon to start our climb to Molino Basin. Once accomplished we will roll back to the start. Socialize afterwards at LeBuzz.

Ride leaders:
Sherree Brasher, sherreekoch@gmail.com, 520.447.0096 (B/B-)
Tom Gosnell, tfgosnell@gmail.com, 405.269.8334 (B/B+)
Hector Melendez, hmelendez29@comcast.net, 520.401.3866 (A/B+)

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