Cactus Cycling Club

The Cactus Cycling Club is one of the most popular clubs in the year-round cycling mecca of Tucson.  Area favorites include The Loop, a 136+ mile bike path awarded Best Recreational Trail by USA Today, East Saguaro National Park, a national treasure with an 8-mile cycling loop, and Mount Lemmon, the 39th rated climb in the US by PJAMM cycling.  We offer a variety of B and C level rides that focus on the fitness and social aspects of cycling.  Our goals are:

Rider Safety.  We strive to develop safety conscious riders.  Every ride includes a safety talk emphasizing proactive safety practices for group riding.

Reliable Routes We work diligently to find routes that are scenic, enjoyable, and safe.  Routes are regularly vetted based on road and traffic conditions to assure safe riding conditions.

Social Connections.  We place a strong emphasis on building friendships and camaraderie.  We have post-ride social events, and host regular happy hour rides.

Advocacy.  We believe in building the sport through advocacy.  We give back through the Adopt a Highway program and set a 15% annual goal to donate to a local cycling organization.

Membership. We offer inexpensive monthly individual memberships as well as annual individual and family memberships.  Our memberships include use of our website and mobile app for individual and group rides, liability insurance, and an annual dinner.  We also offer a nominal Trial membership for one group ride. 

Come see why friendly people from near and far call Cactus Cycling their home.  Join us and then register for a ride or download the mobile app Wild Apricot for Members, available on Android or Apple.  

Beyond Bikes is our 2024/2025 cycling advocacy partner.  Beyond works with schools to teach safe cycling skills.  Join us to help grow cycling at a grass roots level.


The board has approved a $2,000 donation to Beyond Bikes, bringing our total donation for 2022-2025 to $7,650.  Beyond partners with specific schools to teach bike safety skills, nutrition, and social development to low-income students.  We are proud to partner with Beyond and help develop the next generation of cyclists with a well-balanced lifestyle.  Private donations can also be made here (please reference CCC in your donation).

Here is feedback from one school on Beyond Bikes:

"On days when kids engage in cycling programming, we have noticed a distinct shift in behavior and motivation throughout the day, whether in the classroom or out. There have been multiple accounts of new friendships blossoming due to increased opportunity for socializing while riding next to each other. One 6th grade boy in particular, who struggles making friends, has shown remarkable growth since beginning cycling, talking with new classmates and asking teachers daily if there can be more cycling throughout the week.

We educate, we inspire, we partner.  We deliver. 

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